Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Wearable Technology : Revolutionizing the Healthcare Industry

A decade ago, the hospital was the scary place for the patients and understanding the medical terms, consulting doctors and updating patient information. Read More...

Wearable Technology : Revolutionizing the Healthcare Industry

A decade ago, hospital was the scary place for the patients and understanding the medical terms, consulting doctors and updating patient information. Read More...

Smart Locks: Your Entry to the Keyless World

The admiration of Internet of Things has encouraged the use of many BLE enabled devices which can be remotely controlled by Smartphones, Tablets etc. Read More...

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Beacon Technology: Bridging the Gap between Offline and Online Retail

According to the research by Statista, the retail e-commerce sales that automated 2.3 trillion USD is expected to grow to 4.88 trillion by 2021. Read More...